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Caramel Apple Pie

It's hard to describe this's more than pie, it's almost candy....yum!


1 (9") pie crust
10 caramel candies, cut into 4 pieces each
1/3 cup all purpose flour
3 cups chopped, cubed (1/2 ") apples (your favorite)
2/3 cup caramel ice cream topping
2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 cup pecan pieces


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees...also preheat a cookie sheet
2. In medium bowl, combine caramel pieces and flour.
3. Add apples, topping and lemon juice...mixing well.
4. Pour into crust and top with pecans.
5. Place crust on preheated cookie sheet and bake 40 to 45 minutes or until crust is browned.