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Coconut Potato Candy

When I first saw this reaction was "Are you kidding?". But I was hooked after the first bite. My daughter made this candy and all her friends loved it too.


3/4 cup warm mashed potatoes (just the potatoes, not with the other things you would
normally put in mashed potatoes to serve)
1 tblsp butter, softened
1 & 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 pound sifted powdered sugar
3/4 pound shredded coconut


1. Line a cookie sheet with foil or waxed paper.
2. In mixing bowl, beat together the potatoes, butter, salt, and vanilla.
3. Gradually add the coconut until well combined.
4. Drop by teaspoonfuls on cookie sheet and chill in refridgerator until set.

Makes 3 doz.